Thursday, April 23, 2015

Spa Experience: Peppermint Facial Treatment

So every year, around or on my birthday I make a trip to the spa to treat myself and my skin! So this past Tuesday, on my birthday I headed to the Dorit Baxter Day Spa where I received a Classic European Facial!

Me at the Dorit Baxter Spa in NYC on my birthday.

As far as facials go, it was very relaxing. As usual, the specialist asked me about my skin type. I explained to her that I have combination skin-oily/dry. She did some further assessments on my face and began the facial. 

She cleansed  my face and used the steamer to open my pores. Then, during the facial she treated me with a special unclogging peppermint/ menthol face mask and warm towel.  It felt amazing! I could feel my pores opening and unclogging right there and then!

After the facial, my face felt so clean and radiant! My pores looked smaller and my face glowing. 

I thought about my usual skin care regimen and will now add peppermint and a warm towel to my face to unclog and open my pores. 

Here's What You Can Do:

1. Cleanse face with face wash/cleanser.

2. Apply hot towel over face 2x ( let it sit until the towel is no longer warm).

3. In a plastic bowl, add 10 drops of peppermint oil, 1 tbsp of seed oil with 2 cups clean hot water.

4. Dip towel in the hot peppermint, seed oil mixture and apply to your face.

5. Leave the towel on your face until the towel is no longer warm. (Repeat 2x)

6. Get a new clean towel and run cool water over it and apply this to your face to close your pores.

7. Moisturize!


Pores unclogged and your face is now clean!

Hope this helps! 

Note: If you have sensitive skin use less drops of peppermint oil.



1 comment:

  1. Treating yourself to the spa on your birthday is really the best way to celebrate it. So, how was the classic European facial? It seems that you really enjoyed it, since you are now adding the peppermint on your usual regimen. Hahaha! In any way, thanks for sharing those tips, Rebeca! Stay gorgeous!

    Marshall Copeland @ Baja Medi Spa
